Directorate Change
07 September 2018
Non-Executive Director Appointment
Howdens is pleased to announce the appointment of Karen Caddick as an independent Non-Executive Director with immediate effect. Following her appointment, Karen is a member of the Audit and Remuneration Committees. She will also become a member of the Nominations Committee following completion of a formal induction programme.
Karen is currently the Group Human Resources Director at Saga plc and has previously been Group Human Resources Director at Millennium & Copthorne Hotels plc. She also spent 10 years in financial services working in a number of HR positions for Royal & Sun Alliance and Barclays Bank. Karen then went on to hold Human Resources Director roles at Channel Five Broadcasting, The Financial Times, Punch Taverns & Spirit Group plc and WM Morrison Supermarkets plc. She is a non-executive director at Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
There is no further information which is required to be disclosed in accordance with 9.6.13R of the Listing Rules.
For further information please contact:
Forbes McNaughton, Company Secretary: +44 (0)207 535 1137
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